Monday, May 26, 2008


The whole gang (including Alyson) went to Telluride for Mountain Film. We stayed at a nice condo, and enjoyed some lovely snow...

Mt. Sopris in Carbondale

The town on Telluride

The River walk

Petting Sheep :)

Love this Bulldog

Steaming Bean - Here we had an awkward encounter with a drunken fella, trying to hit on us while we had a nice coffee brake. Well, I told him that we were lesbians, and soon after he left :)

Fun at the Park

Getting pretty for Dinner out

The mountains around Telluride

View from the Gondola - Telluride's free public transportation between Telluride and Mountain Village

Monday, May 19, 2008

Denver Zoo

Lance & I visited the Denver Zoo this past weekend,
an absolutely wonderful experience!
Amazing Videos are at the end :)