Sunday, June 22, 2008

It's hiking time again - Yeah

Hiking to Thomson Lake, or at least partially there, because of the looming storm.
Good times on a lovely Sunday morning:)

Tess' Birthday Party

Darling Tess, turned 2. Happy Birthday!

Picnic at the Music Tent

For Greg's Birthday we all went to the Music Tent together. Alyson came too, and we got the chance to see Beethoven in action - It was amazing!!!

Friday, June 20, 2008


Visiting T Lazy 7 Ranch in Aspen the other day, I took this picture of an old wagon just standing next to the road. I like it!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Happy Full Moon

It's full moon time, and the rising was absolutely amazing.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Food & Wine 2008

Food and Wine in Aspen - The grandest place to be for wines, liqueur's, wonderful food and great friends coming together. Ont eh way there I got a ride on Dave's motorcycle, and during event got a very nice hand massage. It was super fun!

Fun at the Meadows, near the Aspen Institute. We found a perfect spot and relaxed on the grass with some wine and games. It was sooooo much fun to have the gang together.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Willow & Isabella's 3rd Birthday

June 13th 2008. Willow & Isabella's 3rd Birthday in Aspen, Colorado. USA.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Lance's Visit

A wonderful 3 days spent with Lance. On Friday we drove to the Maroon Bells, before getting ready for dinner with all my friends in Carbondale's Phat Thai Restaurant.

On Saturday we headed of to the Colorado River and rafted for 2.5 hours. The rapids were amazing, and we had a blast!

On Sunday we joined the Poschman's for breakfast - Blueberry pancakes - and then drove up Independence Pass to see more snow :) It was sooooo beautiful. And then we played Monopoly while watching movies - FUN!!!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Rosemary Beach, FLORIDA

Vacation with the family at Rosemary Beach, Florida.