Sunday, May 31, 2009

A Moose on the Loose

At the house we are house sitting up Big Cottonwood Canyon, we needed to chase a moose off the property. With success we managed to get her out of the gate and get pics too :)

Lake Blanche Hike


4.5 Hours round trip.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Dominican Republic

Lance & I travelled to the Dominican Republic (May 13 - May 19). We had a wonderful time at the Samana Island resort of Bahia Principe Cayacoa, an all inclusive resort. It was also Mark & Heather's wedding. They found this almost 200 year old church in town. Paster Moses (who could barely speak English) wed them, and it was amazing!!! We also walked the islands and took a horse ride to a Waterfall. A wonderful Vacation indeed :)

After a rocky start - a flat tire at night in the city of Santo Domingo... We turned around and spent the night at a nice hotel and drove to Samana in the day time to meet up with all our friends there.

The View from our Room.

Rehearsing at the Church in Samana.
The church is almost 200 years old, and Mark & Heather were the first westerners to marry there.

The Rehearsal Dinner

It's beautiful day to get married!

MAY 15, 2009.

A few shots from the ceremony.


The Wedding Reception of Mark & Heather Rudolf.

The Pool view from our room, There we are paddling about in the ocean (Atlantic).

Pictures from my early morning stroll.



The sweet life of beach relaxation. We Like...

Taking a stroll over the bridges to the Island close to our shore.

Love the kids...

The entertainers of the resort... Thomas!!!
Trying our hand at Archery.

Enjoying the Beach

Our mode of transportation...

Life in Rural DR

Taking a horse ride to El Limon Waterfall.

Ilse is being guided up and down the step, because her shoes are too slippery :)

Good Bye