Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Life is Interesting.

What a weekend I had... I shall have nothing but a fond memory of it though :)

Well, that's life!

Back to reality, I had a killer babysitting weekend. 5 hours Saturday night (for the Guggenheim Family), 12 hours on Sunday (2pm - 2am...) and after working Monday too babysitting again from 8pm - 2am. I made some good cash of course to pay off that lingering $2300 plane ticket for home, which all in all is a very good thing!!!
My homework is done, and today even Alyson will come to my math class with me - yeah! School is in full gear, with all 4 classes officially starting this week. There go my Tuesday's and Thursday's again... Oh, and check out for my book it is planned to complete the final review for the new graphic design layout this week - yeah!!! Ok, gotta go, gotta go...

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