Monday, September 10, 2007

My Latest Adventure

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Alyson and I did it, we hiked from Crested Butte to Aspen in 06:59:30. But let me begin at the beginning. We had a private plane ride over the Rocky Mountains at 8am in the morning. Travis (the Pilot) owed Greg (My Host dad) a favor and we were the recipients of this favor - lucky us!!! Leaving at 8am we had beautiful weather and flew past the maroon bells over to Crested Butte. This was a mere 20 minute flight. From the airport we had to hitch hike, because the taxi number was disconnected...So four guys from Austin, Texas gave us a ride to town, from the we hitched a ride with Chad (a local in Crested Butte) who took us passed Gothic (Another little town) to the trail head, but unfortunately he took us little to far, and once we realized we were headed to wrong way hitched again to the trail starting point... 10:30 and we start our hike. Heading out very excitedly we passed Judd falls and then Copper Lake, before a steep uphill to reach the summit. From there is was gradually downhill all the way, with Aspen leaves changing color and nature to impress us. During the hike we got a little confused about how long the actual trail is and how far along we were on it, when I suddenly saw the sign that lead us in the wrong direction a few weeks ago when we attempted this hike. It was our salvation, and we successfully completed the entire 16+ miles (+-27km) in just under 7 hours. Getting to the road we had to catch a ride again, because the buses stopped running , and our ride was kind enough to take us all the way to our car at the airport. With Pizza, beer and a Epson Salt Jacuzzi bath, we both went to bed early to relax our tired muscles and bones... with 10 hours of sleep I feel absolutely wonderful, with no aches or pains :) It was truly a great adventure with a plane ride and then the beautiful hike with Alyson. Aaaagh!

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