Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

What a great Thanksgiving Day I had. In short Alyson & I joined the rest of the gang at Heather's Townhouse in Basalt, where we all pitched in and cooked. Now, even though I did not know that you do NOT eat salad in a traditional Thanksgiving meal, everybody did seem to like that little extra dish I prepared. I tell you the food was amazing!!! We had Brad's Mac & Cheese, Mark's Potatoes and Schwetty Balls, Heather's sweet potato dish, green bean casserole, Alyson's Pineapple stuffing, the best Turkey ever... and the forgotten cranberry sauce. AND for desert, Heather made the most amazing Kentucky Derby pie with chocolate chips, and off course the very traditional Pumpkin Pie. For 6 people there were 5 pies made... We have so many left overs, and I sure hope it lasts a while, because I can't see food right now...
After the delicious meal, and good old South African wine, we all relaxed and started playing catch phrase for almost 5 hours... I had so much fun, it was a blast. Thank you all for making this the best and memorable Thanksgiving in my life so far, even though it was only my 4th ever...

The pictures below are in now particular order, there were so many I just put them in randomly... enjoy!

The team - Mark, Heather, Brad, Alyson & I (Stave took the pic)

Checking on all the food... That's a lot!!!

Heather hard at work on the Sweet Potato Pie

Okay, I have to say this was the best all night... Mark and his Schwetty Balls

Chef Brad, hard at work.


Well, we've got to have some wine now.

Brad & Steve coming back from Jeff's house with the fabulous Turkey in hand!

Alyson set out wonderful table, with decorative leaves and all.

The girls smelling the cranberry mix - which we forgot to eat in the end...

The Football was on...

Mark doing his part as the Potato mixer

All the girls need a break too... Heather, Alyson, Jenn & I relaxing for a moment or two

Everybody hard at work here. Mark's cooking, Steve's washing the dishes, Brad is preparing his Mac & Cheese, Heather & Alyson counting dinner plates and I take pictures :)

And then we all sat on the couch (or Chairs) to play Catch phrase until 12:30 am. Keyah sat and looked on with her ball too.

Thank you all, this was the best Thanksgiving ever for me!!!

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