Thursday, December 27, 2007

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all.

Frohe Weihnachten an alle.

Geseende Kersfees aan almal.

All up the hill for some sledding now :)

Keeya - Queen of the hill :)

My Christmas Presents included a HUGE shipment of South African Food - Yummy.
Also: Books, SOCKS :), a Balloon Necklace, and a bonus - Thank You,
and from my Lance - A Hand held navigator (GPS).

Time to open the presents from Ilse...

I guess Christmas can wear some kids out...

It was a wonderful Christmas. Thank You.

Monday, December 24, 2007

I can't sleep...

Keeya snuggled in my Bed this morning with her froggie.

It's about 4am in the morning, and I am having trouble sleeping... I've got Keeya (my friend Heather's dog) snuggled next to me, well she's totally lying diagonally pushing me into the corner and she's hogging the blanket too... but she is sooooo cute, that I won't complain.

Today is Christmas Eve and I'm missing home a little. Everybody will be going to Church together and opening their presents after dinner. I have such great childhood memories, with Grandpa handing out presents and eating Oma's yummy home made foods. Papa laughing about another pear of socks he got and so on. Froge Weihnachten an alle!!!

Lance is also sick and far away in Salt Lake City. He's doing much better now - I believe, but I wish I could do more than just send him get well soon wishes every day. He did like the flower arrangement I sent him, so that was good! "Lance, Please get well soon". I'm off course very excited to visit him this coming weekend again, when I will meet his parents and sister.

I also have a prayer request for my friend Fernando. His Appendix erupted and he is in the hospital. He almost died, and is not doing to well. Recovery is slow, so please include him in you prayers today.

On a more delightful note, I received my grades about two days ago... It was a good semester and these are the results:
  • Mathematics - A (Almost a full 100%, actually)
  • Early Childhood Education - A
  • ECE Lab & Field Work - A
  • Sociology - B+
My total GPA is currently 3.8 (The best is 4 points).
The new semester stats in January again. I'm registered for 3 Early Childhood ed. classes, and 1 business class. It will be fun, I just know it.

I have some pictures in my camera I will upload later.. But yesterday I played with Jack for a few hours, and we build an amazing train track. I think I like building tracks a lot. I had so much fun figuring out different ways to lay them.

Let's see what else has been going on... I have been working at the Roaring Fork Club to distract myself a little from the holiday season mainly... It has been great doing many kid activities. On Saturday was Breakfast with Santa, and decorating your own Christmas Tree. That was fun!!! Yesterday they decorated Gingerbread houses. We had 40 houses prepared, and unimaginable amounts of candy... I ended up doing flower arrangements for the center pieces I made - will take picture today - And today I will head there again and I'm in charge of Cookie decorating while Dinner for about 200 people is served...

All my friends are out of town :(

Alyson I hope you are having a great time with your family! And I also hope your coffee meeting went good.. CALL ME!!!

Heather & Mark - Keeya is loving spending time with me. She's doing great and I promise to not spoil her... Enjoy Chicago & Orlando - be safe.

Brad - Merry Christmas to you too. Enjoy the family get together!

Kate - Wherever you are this time, have fun!!!

An alle meine Deutsche Freunde - Frohe Weihanchten and alle und viel Spass mit Freunde und Familie.

En aan al my Afrikaanse vriende - Geseende Kersfees aan almal. Met Familie en vriende wens ek almal die beste tye.

I'll think of you and everybody else too when I hit the slopes tomorrow to go skiing. I hope I make it... with breakfast at the house, Church and a long call home.

Well, Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night :) - I'm gonna try and go to sleep again...


Love, Ilse Louise, Zigi & Zulu

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Happy Holidays

Well I was supposed to fly home today... I promise everybody I will come visit in my Spring Break, then at least I know for sure I'll see everybody, where as now so many are on vacation spread out across the country.

I light of the season, I decorated a little tree too and placed them around Joy & Olga's pictures. Wish you could be in person, but this will do for now. Ich Liebe Euch sehr!!!

Driving home from work I just had to capture the full moon over the mountains.
One thing is true... The moon you see is the one I see too.

Happy Holidays to all & Lots of Love

Monday, December 17, 2007

Some exciting news :)

The first time we met, I could see, That you and I, were meant to be. Your eyes were so gentle, your smile so true, When you first held my hand, I just knew.

I would like you all to meet Lance Wilson.

Lance and I met a while ago through a "mutual acquaintance"... and at first talked up a storm over the phone (sometimes while playing chess too), in the end a meeting just had to be and I flew to Salt Lake City in Utah this past weekend to meet Lance in person. And I am so glad I did!!! I can officially announce that I am finally no longer single, and am perusing a relationship with this wonderful man. It has been a whirlwind adventure, and I am sitting here typing with the biggest smile on my face. I truly can't even remember that last time I felt this entirely, all -over giddy happy.

"Danke Papa, ich weiss das du immer auf mich aufpasst, und glaube mit meine ganze Seele das du Ihm in mein Leben geschickt hast. Besser gibts nicht, und ich Danke dir!"

Beneath are some pictures I took at Temple Square with all the Christmas light lit.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Babysitting little Tess

I was babysitting little Tess this morning, and walking through town I had so many comments on how beautiful "my daughter" is. Looking at this picture I took though, we really have matching blue eyes. It was a fun morning and she really is just the cutest little baby.

Monday, December 3, 2007

My first ski day

December 2nd and there is a lot of snow. Two feet to be exact at the top of the mountains. In true Colorado tradition the sun was out and blue skies reigned. It was gorgeous, and I headed to the slopes!!!

I was at the mountain at 9am and did a few runs, before Brad joined. Off course we had heard that powder days are the best, so decidedly so took on a black powder run... Not so good. We got stuck - badly. In the end it took us an hour to get down, with Mark's help. I was quite shaken once I got down, but faced the world by taking on the slopes yet again, and skiing my heart out.

These Video are from my third run of the day, before Heather, Mark and Brad joined.


Viele Liebe Grusse an alle zuhause. Joy & Olga (und alle andere auch) ich vermisse euch sehr, und habe euch ganz dolle Lieb!!!

Lyla was in town :)

On Friday night I went down valley to babysit Lyla, and her cousins and the Camp's... Anyway it was sooooo good to see her and fun to hang with her. We sat on the couch taking pictures and pulling funny faces :) that was the best.

I Love You Lyla Honey!!!