Monday, December 3, 2007

My first ski day

December 2nd and there is a lot of snow. Two feet to be exact at the top of the mountains. In true Colorado tradition the sun was out and blue skies reigned. It was gorgeous, and I headed to the slopes!!!

I was at the mountain at 9am and did a few runs, before Brad joined. Off course we had heard that powder days are the best, so decidedly so took on a black powder run... Not so good. We got stuck - badly. In the end it took us an hour to get down, with Mark's help. I was quite shaken once I got down, but faced the world by taking on the slopes yet again, and skiing my heart out.

These Video are from my third run of the day, before Heather, Mark and Brad joined.


Viele Liebe Grusse an alle zuhause. Joy & Olga (und alle andere auch) ich vermisse euch sehr, und habe euch ganz dolle Lieb!!!

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