Monday, December 17, 2007

Some exciting news :)

The first time we met, I could see, That you and I, were meant to be. Your eyes were so gentle, your smile so true, When you first held my hand, I just knew.

I would like you all to meet Lance Wilson.

Lance and I met a while ago through a "mutual acquaintance"... and at first talked up a storm over the phone (sometimes while playing chess too), in the end a meeting just had to be and I flew to Salt Lake City in Utah this past weekend to meet Lance in person. And I am so glad I did!!! I can officially announce that I am finally no longer single, and am perusing a relationship with this wonderful man. It has been a whirlwind adventure, and I am sitting here typing with the biggest smile on my face. I truly can't even remember that last time I felt this entirely, all -over giddy happy.

"Danke Papa, ich weiss das du immer auf mich aufpasst, und glaube mit meine ganze Seele das du Ihm in mein Leben geschickt hast. Besser gibts nicht, und ich Danke dir!"

Beneath are some pictures I took at Temple Square with all the Christmas light lit.

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