Monday, April 28, 2008

South Africa from beginning to end

Off to South Africa.
The first time for Lance to leave the country, and the first time I went home in almost 4 years. We met up in Washington Dulles, and took on the 15 hour flight.



Visiting with the family. Dinner at Heidi & Lothar's. It was great fun!

My cousin Monique & her husband Jimmy.

Pictures with Lance and Monique



uShaka Marine World in Durban
The Seal Show

Inside the "Sunken" Ship Aquarium

Just because... I like this pic.

Off to Dinner now!
That is a Green Goddess...

The best table at the Cargo Restaurant. With 4 sharks swimming in a tank right next to us. It was an absolutely wonderful experience.

Lance it total joy, because he just touched the water from the Indian Ocean.
The view from out Hotel Room in Durban, on the 8th floor.
We had a wonderful stay, and all went well with my Visa. The only unusual thing was the load shedding where the entire city had no electricity for two hours, so we had to carry our luggage down eight flight of stairs...

Stopping at a very windy Umhlanga Rock, outside of Durban.

Lance touching the Indian Ocean. If it wasn't raining, we would have gone for a swim.



The first time I met Brian.
Immediately after stopping at Joy's house Brian opened his arms, and hugged me. He did not let go, and we cuddled for the longest time. It was so incredibly special to hold him.

Spending some quality time with Brian. He loved reading and smiling for the Camera.
Brian & his aunt Ilse.

My Sis, Joy. Pregnant with another boy.

Taking a moment at Papa's grave.

My Elementary school - Wittenberg

I just couldn't stop cuddling my little nephew.

He already loves cell phones. Cute!!!

My sister Olga & I

The Family Picture. Outside of Spur, where Olga is a Manager.

The Best Picture of all!!!

Lance bonding with Brian.

Corne & Desire's little boy - Uwe. And their cute dog
My Cousins Corne & Lizelle

With Tannie Meisie & Onkel Bobby

With Onkel Fritz & Tante Edith

Brian with Opa (the picture was taken last year), and one with his daddy, Bruce.

I just had to take a picture of the only moment Brian actually cried.
Sooooo Cute.

Brian sitting with his bear, watching a little Shreck before breakfast time.


Yes, I got in trouble with the Law. Just outside of Piet Retief I was caught speeding - oops. Well, I was asked to step out of the vehicle, and with a little joking around, they let me off the hook. I asked for a picture, and suddenly all officers jumped in for the snap shot. It was pretty funny actually :)

So the plan was to drive through Swaziland. Well, on the way there I realized that my passport was still at the consulate, and I couldn't go through. We tried my old passport, but they caught on right away, so we had to turn around and drive the long way. At least Lance got to see the border.

Lance Driving - on the other side of the road, and other side of the car... He did pretty well actually.

Some mountains, signs and an Abnormal Load truck

The Barberton Valley



Within the first hour of driving through the Kruger National Park, we saw an Elephants, a Rhino and Buffalo. All close up and beautiful!

The African Sunset - Incredible!
Our accommodations at Pretoriuskop - A Hut!
All direction signs were in the format below. Can you say the pond's name? Here we saw our first crocodile.

Elephants can smell flowers too! :)

We saw these birds everywhere, and once I almost hit one, when I saw an elephant.

Here we are at a climb out point. We went to a nursery and a bird watching spot.

Hello Hippo
The Entry Gate for Skukuza Camp - The main camp in Kruger

Lunch under a Lapalla, with Bats sleeping above our heads...
Internet at last.

The Skukuza Camp reception area
I love these little Blue Monkeys
A very big Bird, and a nice Impala Picture.

Stopping at a water hole, we saw a baboon, a secretary Bird (i think), an elephant drinking, squirrels, and "blau wilde bees".

A Blue Wilder beest. (Blou wilde bees)

Ok, this is one of my favorites! These squirrels begged for food at Lance's Window, when we stopped to watch the Elephant drinking.

A big herd of Elephants crossed the road, there were 4 smaller elephants.

Zebras, and a Giraffe - Love this picture!

WOW - A Baby White Rhino and her mommy.

A cute baby water buck.

The African Sunset!

A romantic Dinner at Satara Camp.

Some Baboons, sitting in the tree and watching me.

Buffalo's crossing the road for some good pictures.


The BEST!!! On Friday Morning, I got up at 6am (Lance stayed sleeping), and took a little drive of my own. Not far from the camp were these Lions. Two females, four cubs, and a big daddy lion resting near a kill under the tree. AMAZING!!!

Our accommodations at Satara Camp. With a park view.

Another Giraffe... and a funky tree

BAOABAB Tree. I risked getting out of the car...heard something moving in the bushes, but we still managed to get a picture to show just how big this tree is.

Hand around a pond for a while, and you'll see nature at it's best.
When we arrived at this pond there were only wartdog's, after a while two elephants cam and crossed the road, for drinking, then Giraffes followed, and soon there were water bucks, Impala's, baboons, and more wart dog's.

Lance really loves Giraffes, so we took pictures of every one we saw.

Here some Pumba and some babies

Orpen Dam with Green Lettuce all around. We saw Hippo's and Crocodiles here.

The View of the African Plains. I took a moment to relax, kinda :)

The Sabie River

The park opens and closes at 6!!!
Note ABLUTIONS - not toilets :)

Guneafowl & another Giraffe

The Blue Monkeys were outside our Bungalow in the park.

Our Luxury Bungalow in Skukuza Camp

On a little walk around the Skukuza Camp, admiring the sunset and stopping at the old Train station, that used to run through the park until 1978.

Sunrise Saturday Morning - Our Last day in Africa

Security Check for Lance at the Kruger Airport.

On the plane from Kruger (White River) to Johannesburg)

We are safely home again. It was a wonderful, short, trip!!!