Friday, August 31, 2007

A Bear, A Bear!!!

Yes, Finally for the first time I saw a bear today, well, make that 2. A mommy and her cub. I have been waiting so long already to finally see a bear, and today I got my wish with the opportunity to take many pictures as the cub ran down our driveway past my studio. Later she climbed a tree with mommy close by watching - it really was adorable!!! I am sooooo happy!!! It really does not take much to make me extremely happy.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Back at School

Yup, I had my first class today - MATH.
It was a good class, and I'm looking forward to the rest of the semester.
Now I'm going to do my homework!!! Bye

Monday, August 27, 2007

Play Dough Day

Play date with the girls again, and this morning I made them home made Play Dough... we had the best time sculpting everything from hearts, to dolphins, to shapes and more hearts - we are such girls :). I also completed my first assignment for College already (Sociology), I just couldn't wait, the excitement of the next semester is very high. I've received all but one textbook and the files are made - Let the school begin!!! I'm also painting again tonight, I did one Illustration yesterday and as this week's babysitting is rather quiet I'm gonna take the chance to finish the last 6 Illustrations for the third book. With Alyson we will also complete the design & layout of our collaborative book, the wonderful & successful second one - "It's not a Plane, It's a Bird."

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Cathedral lake Hike

Feast your Eyes! This morning Alyson (my ever reliable hiking partner) and I hiked three hours round trip to Cathedral Lake. it was quite a steep climb, but soooo worth it at the end. The lake is tranquil and peaceful and just absolutely breathtakingly beautiful. I was brave enough to take my shoes off first and jump in, yes, the water was cold!!! It was such i good hike, I recommend to everybody out here.
Otherwise, work is good, and so is life!!!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

It's Thursday

Well the week is going by fast. I just baked a delicious Tiramisu cake mmmmmmmmmm for my friends birthday, Oh Heather if you see this - Surprise :). Tonight's the last babysitting for this week and then I'm gonna take a break this weekend to paint some more Illustrations for my third book (Where do Elephants Live?), as well as Alyson & I should/will sit down and complete the second one, now that I've learned how to use Adobe InDesign. Everybody also remember to also go see The Nanny Diaries, it opens this Friday. My plan is to go on Saturday I'm actually pretty excited about it... sad, I know but this one is supposed to be good! I urge you to see it too!
Ok, time for my mid-day nap :), before the kiddies wake up. Later.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Swimming Lesson Today

I just had a great morning!!! The girls had a swimming lesson, and they did absolutely fantastic, I am so proud of them.

Last night I worked until 10:30 pm, it sure was a long week and I just realized that I have worked day and night since last Monday, and will continue on so until Thursday, when it's my friend Heather's birthday and I hope to go out with her. Thank Goodness for Red Bull:). Bye for now.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

I baught my plane ticket to SA today :)

I'm coming home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is for x-mas and new year 2008!
I bought my ticket today and am flying on the 22nd of December, with an appointment at the American Consulate on the 24th, and then I'll be off to see the family and more family and even more family. The return date is set for the 6th and I will be in my Aspen home again on the 7th - Which of course I'm very excited about too:)

Other news is that I'm babysitting overnight for a 1.5 and a 4 year old in town. We're having a lot of fun... gotta go and work again ;)

Thursday, August 16, 2007

College is on for the next semester again - Yeah!!!

What a busy day it has been... I registered for College this morning, created an account on to sell my old text books, submitted my dental claim at the insurance company and apart from working too I came up with another idea for a children's book again. It's still an idea so I don't want to give away too many details, but it's awesome!!! Babysitting is rocking this week, thank goodness because the savings account is in much need of building up so that I can buy my plane ticket to go home soon - yeah!!!

Anybody want to be a millionaire today?

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Dentists.... Not my favorite....

I had a dental appointment this morning to prep for a crown... after I requested that a X-Ray should be taken to make sure that a piece was not still left behind from the last extraction, the dentist found out that a piece of root from the root canal that was done last time is still in there... MY LUCK!!! So now they have to dig in again to remove the root/bone/whatever was left behind before I get a new crown fitted. Don't you just love dentists???
Other than that this week is rather busy with extra babysitting jobs practically every day this week. It's good cash so I'm not complaining!!!
Well, That's what's going on in my world. Miss everybody :)

Monday, August 13, 2007

It's the Monday Blues...NOT

Just like you monkeys can play peek-a-boo too!

It's Monday, a good day actually. Got up and went to work a little earlier this morning, and as I love my job the day has been pretty good so far. The twins (Willow & Isabella) had their first little swim lesson this morning at the Snowmass Rec Center, and they did GREAT. Willow was very into the under water game and well, Isabella took a while to warm up, but still liked it.

I've also been working on my book's graphic Design (While the kids are napping), and it's really coming together now, obviously I'm sooooo excited. Soon, really soon, it will be available to the world in a format that I think is the best - of course!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Maroon Creek Trail

Sooooooooooooooooo, We (that is Alyson & Yours truly) got up at 6am. this morning with the greatest anticipation to go hiking along East Maroon Trail over the mountains and into Crested Butte. Well, that was the plan at least, and we (all prepared with water bottles to quench any thirst and more) made our way to the trail. Unfortunately due to the fact that we accidentally lost our map :) and that there was not a clearly marked trail lost. Needless to say we got derailed and ended up at Maroon Lake, decided to turn around and head back, but then decided to quit and head home after the 1.5 hour long loop. Clouds moved in fast, so we are really glad we did! And the Cherry on top, Alyson left the lights on of her truck... All said and done I am now at home watching a movie (The Devil Wears Prada) and will soon be working on the Graphic design of my book.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Weller Lake Hike

Alyson & I at Weller lake.
It's supposed to be an hour hike according to the trail head information, but we did it in about 20 min. - each way. It was calming and the views of course did not disappoint, but the hike could have been longer!

Independence Pass

On top of Independence Pass.
Alyson & I took the drive all the way to 12.095 feet to enjoy breathtaking views. It truly is just awesome up there.


I'm so very excited... For the first time I've joined to online Blogging world, with the help of my dear friend Alyson of course! So I'm gonna play around a little to familiarize myself with this site and I am looking forward to let y'all know what I'm doing in my life here in Aspen, Colorado.
Soon :)