Sunday, August 12, 2007

Maroon Creek Trail

Sooooooooooooooooo, We (that is Alyson & Yours truly) got up at 6am. this morning with the greatest anticipation to go hiking along East Maroon Trail over the mountains and into Crested Butte. Well, that was the plan at least, and we (all prepared with water bottles to quench any thirst and more) made our way to the trail. Unfortunately due to the fact that we accidentally lost our map :) and that there was not a clearly marked trail lost. Needless to say we got derailed and ended up at Maroon Lake, decided to turn around and head back, but then decided to quit and head home after the 1.5 hour long loop. Clouds moved in fast, so we are really glad we did! And the Cherry on top, Alyson left the lights on of her truck... All said and done I am now at home watching a movie (The Devil Wears Prada) and will soon be working on the Graphic design of my book.

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