Thursday, August 23, 2007

It's Thursday

Well the week is going by fast. I just baked a delicious Tiramisu cake mmmmmmmmmm for my friends birthday, Oh Heather if you see this - Surprise :). Tonight's the last babysitting for this week and then I'm gonna take a break this weekend to paint some more Illustrations for my third book (Where do Elephants Live?), as well as Alyson & I should/will sit down and complete the second one, now that I've learned how to use Adobe InDesign. Everybody also remember to also go see The Nanny Diaries, it opens this Friday. My plan is to go on Saturday I'm actually pretty excited about it... sad, I know but this one is supposed to be good! I urge you to see it too!
Ok, time for my mid-day nap :), before the kiddies wake up. Later.

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