Monday, October 1, 2007


Aaaaah, what a nice weekend I had. Getting out of town for a much needed little break was the order of business on Friday. My good friend, Alyson and I rented a car and drove to Grand Junction for some retail therapy and a lovely dinner out at Olive Garden - mmmmmm. Then some shopping... and finally checking into a comfy hotel for a good night's rest.

At 8:30 am we hit the road and our first stop was the Colorado National Monument Park, where we lucked out, because one day a year it's national park's day and you get in for free - Yeah!!!

After driving along 128 we stopped at Arches National Park, to explore the splendor of the Plateau in this region.

I'm actually standing underneath in the middle picture!!!

Our little adventures continued and I really enjoyed the imaginative thinking that came about with all these natural wonders.

After we surrendered to the wind we moved on to the town of MOAB, where we sat down for some Mexican dinner, and then had to find alternative shelter to camping, because a very windy storm moved in. Our choice of accommodation - the Hostel. It was an experience!!! We met a lady from VA and a girl on a world tour from Switzerland. The night was sleepless due to snoring and squeaky beds... but all in all it was good!

On the road again at 8am we made our way to beautiful Telluride - WOW!!! The splendor of the fall colors were soooooo breathtakingly unimaginatively gorgeous...

Back home at 4pm, Alyson and I had dinner at my home to celebrate my One Year Anniversary with the Poschman Family.

And off to sleep and rest up from such a wonderful adventure!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like a lot of fun!! Congrats on the one year anniversary.
Wanneer sien ons jou nou weer? Qualistar is hier en sal een van die dae in ons kamer wees... oooohhh!!