Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The most meaningful words I have ever received

1. n. one who perseveres
through life's challenges, hardships,
misfortunes, and tragedies. 2. one
who refuses to give up, give in, or
quit trying. 3. one who triumphs
over unsurmountable challenges and
becomes a better person because of
them i.e.: Ilse Louise

I just received this amazing gift from Lance, engraved on glass and addressed to me as c/o Loved One. With papa's date of passing coming up this Saturday the 26th, I just feel so blessed to have Lance, my best friends, and a wonderful "family" here in my life to see me through another day in another year of remembrance. Gosh it's been 7 years now, since that dreadful day... So many obstacles overcome and yet life goes on.

I Love You, Lance Wilson :) You make me sooooooo happy.

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