Monday, March 31, 2008


Off to MOAB again this past weekend to meet up with Lance. This time we stayed at a local B & B, which was quite nice and cozy. On Saturday we drove to Arches National Park and enjoyed the wonderful views as well as a hike to Landscape Arch, and Double O Arch. It was warm and sunny, with blooming flowers and even green grass too.





My Favorite pic :)

On Sunday morning, after a loooong sleep in, we ventured out on our own, and found a short 4x4 road. With a little adventure in mind we headed out and found these three connecting caves that resemble a movie set, because it has plaster on it and certainly was not natural at all. We climbed inside and walked around, it was quite neat. We have not found any information on it what so ever, so I guess it will just stay a mystery...

Peculiar petroglyphs, with others who engraved along side it, the oldest we found was 1901

We also found this gorgeous waterfall. It is totally fake, ie. not a real water flow, but man made... It was still pretty though :)

Friday, March 28, 2008

PTK Celebrates Members at RFC

March 7, 2008
Judy Fisher

The Psi Rho Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa celebrated academic achievement at the spring semester Induction Ceremony Friday evening at the Glenwood Center of Colorado Mountain College. Nineteen of the twenty eight new inductees were present. In order to become a member the student must have a grade point average of 3.5 or higher, complete at least 12 credits of college level coursework and be in a declared degree program. These students shared the excitement of the evening with family members, friends and CMC staff and faculty. Parents from local communities and as far away as Utah came to help the students celebrate their achievement.

The speaker for the evening was Mark McCabe. Mark is the Dean of Students for CMC and a Certified Leadership Trainer for Phi Theta Kappa. The Induction Ceremony was led by Shera Tapp, President, Blake Fetzko, Vice-President, Cora Charneskey, Treasurer, and Alex Frias, member. They were assisted in the evening’s events by Jason Vargas, Lisa Runck, and Judy Fisher, Advisors. The new members are: Lynn Albers, Andrea Baldwin, Michael Bauman, Jordan Bonta, Jessica Carlson, Beth Davis, Sarah Durgin, Alan Elder, Linda Enos, Morgan Frazier, Clarissa Gallegos, Rikky Griffin-Foster, Joe Gugelman, Jessica Hall, Cambria Harmon, Kellie Jorgensen, Samantha Kidd, Daniela Kueper, Nichole Kubat, Sergio Mendoza, Ilse Meyer, Mark Ringer, Amanda Robinson, Melanie Ross, Katty Sanchez-Sandoval, Jonathan Shaw, Casey Vaughn, and Elizabeth Welch.

The Psi Rho Chapter members participate in projects throughout the semester that promote learning opportunities and service to the CMC community and the community at large. In January the chapter was involved in “Focus the Nation”, an environmental awareness project, and members will continue to promote environmental sustainability on campus. On Friday, March 7th, members will participate in “Spellebration”, a fundraiser for Literacy Outreach. In April members will help with “Math Awareness Week” at the Roaring Fork Campus. This is a fun-filled week of finding the solutions to math problems of the day and learning more about this year’s topic, “What Makes Your Vote Matter? Let Mathematics and Statistics show you.” The final project of the spring semester will be “Project Graduation”. The chapter will be collecting non-perishable food items to donate locally to Lift Up and books that will be donated locally to Literacy Outreach and internationally to World Books.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

There is a bunny in my "garden"

I woke up this morning and there was this cute little bunny sitting in my bushy garden right out side of my door. Sooooo cute :)

My first Hike for the season...

Alyson and I tried to go hiking... Well there is still sooooo much snow, and the cold picked up that we did not get very far, but it was till nice to get out :)

Monday, March 24, 2008


Celebrating with the Poschman's this easter. Dinner with friends and family of theirs in the evening was loads of fun. We still have a lot of snow, and even though the sun is starting to warm the earth, it is still pretty cold...

Happy Eater to all.
And to all a good night :)


Thursday, March 20, 2008

Happy Easter :)

We all received a HUGE Hershey's box from Lance today, and it bunny's for the girls, lost of chocolates... and a huge Kiss for me.

Thank You Lance

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Love Poems to keep one going

We share the kind of love
some people search a lifetime for
and never find.

There are times
when it's exciting and passionate -
when we steal a few moments
and escape to a private world
where nothing exists
but the two of us.

There are times
when it's comfortable and familiar,
times when you know
what I'm thinking before I say it...
when you offer what I need
even before I ask for it.

There are times
when it's silly and playful...
quiet and reflective...
understanding and forgiving...

And there are times
when love is challenging.
But, even then, it's still wonderful.

That's why I hope you'll
always remember
how glad I am
that you're part of my world...
how much I love loving you.

Renee Duvall

Monday, March 10, 2008

New kids website

I found this very cool website, with great ideas to do with small kids.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Gobblin Valley, Canyonlands & Moab

Meeting Lance in Green River for a little weekend away :)

Saturday Morning, we took it real easy at the hotel, and then drove out to Gobblin Valley State Park. We had an unfortunate event come our way, when we came across a very bad car accident and it's victims. Lance was amazingly calm when handling the situation. From CPR and praying to reassuring me that I can trust him. The event was very tragic, but in the end our relationship grew stronger.



After the great 2 hour hike, we relaxed, before going to dine at a fine restaurant with a view of the Green River.

On Sunday morning, after a lazy start, we munched on some apple pie and a muffin, before heading out to Moab. Once there we left my rental car behind, and drove towards Canyonlands National Park.



The Grand Overlook at Canyonlands National Park.

Green River Overlook

Mesa Arch

Driving along 128 from Moab to I 70, and back home...