Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Love Poems to keep one going

We share the kind of love
some people search a lifetime for
and never find.

There are times
when it's exciting and passionate -
when we steal a few moments
and escape to a private world
where nothing exists
but the two of us.

There are times
when it's comfortable and familiar,
times when you know
what I'm thinking before I say it...
when you offer what I need
even before I ask for it.

There are times
when it's silly and playful...
quiet and reflective...
understanding and forgiving...

And there are times
when love is challenging.
But, even then, it's still wonderful.

That's why I hope you'll
always remember
how glad I am
that you're part of my world...
how much I love loving you.

Renee Duvall

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