Friday, March 28, 2008

PTK Celebrates Members at RFC

March 7, 2008
Judy Fisher

The Psi Rho Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa celebrated academic achievement at the spring semester Induction Ceremony Friday evening at the Glenwood Center of Colorado Mountain College. Nineteen of the twenty eight new inductees were present. In order to become a member the student must have a grade point average of 3.5 or higher, complete at least 12 credits of college level coursework and be in a declared degree program. These students shared the excitement of the evening with family members, friends and CMC staff and faculty. Parents from local communities and as far away as Utah came to help the students celebrate their achievement.

The speaker for the evening was Mark McCabe. Mark is the Dean of Students for CMC and a Certified Leadership Trainer for Phi Theta Kappa. The Induction Ceremony was led by Shera Tapp, President, Blake Fetzko, Vice-President, Cora Charneskey, Treasurer, and Alex Frias, member. They were assisted in the evening’s events by Jason Vargas, Lisa Runck, and Judy Fisher, Advisors. The new members are: Lynn Albers, Andrea Baldwin, Michael Bauman, Jordan Bonta, Jessica Carlson, Beth Davis, Sarah Durgin, Alan Elder, Linda Enos, Morgan Frazier, Clarissa Gallegos, Rikky Griffin-Foster, Joe Gugelman, Jessica Hall, Cambria Harmon, Kellie Jorgensen, Samantha Kidd, Daniela Kueper, Nichole Kubat, Sergio Mendoza, Ilse Meyer, Mark Ringer, Amanda Robinson, Melanie Ross, Katty Sanchez-Sandoval, Jonathan Shaw, Casey Vaughn, and Elizabeth Welch.

The Psi Rho Chapter members participate in projects throughout the semester that promote learning opportunities and service to the CMC community and the community at large. In January the chapter was involved in “Focus the Nation”, an environmental awareness project, and members will continue to promote environmental sustainability on campus. On Friday, March 7th, members will participate in “Spellebration”, a fundraiser for Literacy Outreach. In April members will help with “Math Awareness Week” at the Roaring Fork Campus. This is a fun-filled week of finding the solutions to math problems of the day and learning more about this year’s topic, “What Makes Your Vote Matter? Let Mathematics and Statistics show you.” The final project of the spring semester will be “Project Graduation”. The chapter will be collecting non-perishable food items to donate locally to Lift Up and books that will be donated locally to Literacy Outreach and internationally to World Books.

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