Friday, March 7, 2008


It's been kinda crazy lately, with friend either sick, or in need of help. Also the Mid Terms are here, and I've been quite busy with exams and projects. On the study note, I met with my counselor yesterday, and with all me credits that transferred from South Africa, I just need 4 more classes in Accounting - Which are offered this Summer and Spring - and I'll be graduating this December with not only 1, but 2 degrees under my name - YEAH. It will the Associates of Applied Science in Early Childhood Education , and and Associate of Applied Science in Accounting. There are still a few wrinkles to be sorted out, but I am very confident that it will all work out. So, I will need some support from my nearest and dearest, because the next 10 months will be hard!!!

Today after my class in Parachute, I'll be driving on to Green River in Utah to meet up with Lance, whom I have not seen since his visit over Valentine's day. I'm so excited to finally have some time with just him, no family meetings, friends around or the pressure of impressing. Our relationship is going really strong, I just hope he stick around for another 10 months while I finish my education :) I think he will... And then the plan is that I'll move to Salt Lake City to work at a preschool there, and be closer to my man, which I'm already quite excited about :)

Our trip to South Africa is April 18th to April 26, and we have quite the exciting itinerary. I'm so excited to see my family, and show Lance my home country. I just know that it will be awesome :)

Ok, Gotta go now. Love to all

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