Thursday, August 21, 2008

St. Herman's Cave & The inland Blue Hole

The Inland Blue Hole.

The Blue Hole is actually a sinkhole formed by the collapse of an underground river channel. The exposed section of the underground Cave Branch Creek tributary can be viewed for about 150 feet before it disappears again beneath the surface.

Located just off the Humming Bird Highway, Blue Hole steps lead to a 25-foot deep pool, for which the park is named. Its cool, turquoise waters, surrounded by dense forest, overhung with mosses, vines and ferns are the perfect spot for a cool and relaxing dip.

St.Herman's Cave
is located about 500 meters from the Hummingbird Highway.

The information center and parking are located just off the highway.

The largest of the three known entrances to St. Herman's Cave sits in a sinkhole 180 feet wide narrowing to a 60-foot wide entrance. Concrete steps cover stone steps once cut by the Maya.

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